- Introduction
- What is perspective?
- Introduction
- What is Perspective?
- Where is Perspective Used?
- What is Depth?
- Types and Distinctions of Perspective
- The broadest definition of perspective: what it is, its meaning, definition, and an easy-to-understand explanation
- Classification diagram of perspective
- What is linear perspective? Meaning, definition, and easy-to-understand explanation
- What is perspective drawing? Meaning, definition, and easy-to-understand explanation.
- What is parallel projection? Meaning, definition, and easy-to-understand explanation
- What about the vanishing point?
- What is Axonometric Projection, Meaning, Definition, and Easy Explanation
- Advantages of Parallel Projection
- Parallel Projection Mode in Blender
- Why You Should Learn Perspective and Its Appeal
- Accuracy in Drawing
- Creativity in Drawing
- Isn’t it enough to just use a camera without perspective?
- Perspective is a tool that allows you to soar into the world of imagination
- The important thing is the integration and the sense of wholeness
- Is AI the enemy of art?
- Compatibility with the purpose of art
- About beauty diminished by technology
- Comic artists don’t have time to sketch from real life every time
- Art References
- Reproducibility of Drawings
- References
- Books that are easy for beginners to understand
- David Chelsea「Extreme Perspective! For Artists: Learn the Secrets of Curvilinear, Cylindrical, Fisheye, Isometric, and Other Amazing Drawing Systems that Will Make Your Drawings Pop Off the Page 」
- Robbie Lee「Perspective Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide」
- Scott Robertson「How to Draw: drawing and sketching objects and environments from your imagination」
- About the Japanese version of this article
- Books that are easy for beginners to understand
Explanation in the video
The ‘Overview, Summary, or Conclusion’ of this article can be found at the beginning of the YouTube video, so please refer to it.
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What is perspective?
Have you lost interest in art?
Hello again! It’s been a while since I last updated this channel. In this section, I’d like to briefly talk about why I decided to create this video series.
It’s not that my interest in art has faded—in fact, it’s grown even stronger. That’s part of the reason I haven’t been able to post lately. I’ve been reflecting on deeper questions, like why people create art in the first place, and the purpose and function of art and creativity itself.
What do you want to achieve by getting better at drawing?
As I improved my drawing skills, a persistent question kept nagging at me: ‘So what? What’s the point of getting better at this? And why encourage others to pursue it?’
In recent times, with the advancements in digital software and AI, I think this question might resonate even more with people. Simply put, you could say it’s a question of motivation.
I realized that this question is simply about ‘technique and expression’—in other words, the means to an end. If the ‘purpose’ is achieved, then it’s not really a big issue.
However, this brings us to the more philosophical question: ‘What is the purpose of creativity and art?’ It also ties deeply into the question of ‘What do I want to create?’
Of course, everyone has their own personal goals.
But I’m more interested in something beyond that—something bigger, like the broader societal purpose or function that these might share.
In this article, I won’t go too deep into the theory of creativity, but I firmly believe this is an issue many artists face. It’s not about ‘how to draw,’ but rather ‘why you want to draw’ and ‘why you should create’ that are far more important. Discovering the problem is often harder than solving it.
It’s like having the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, but no space to fit them into. Or, it’s similar to losing interest in collecting puzzle pieces because there’s nowhere to place them. It’s also comparable to being forced to study for exams that feel boring and purposeless—of course, that wouldn’t work well.
Once you understand the ‘why,’ improving your skills and figuring out the ‘how’ will likely fall into place more easily.
The purpose of art is related to happiness
I believe that ‘happiness’ plays a major role as a key element of purpose (though this may sound a bit broad).
Art serves an essential function in society by connecting people, and it is a crucial means for humans to achieve happiness. That’s why I strongly believe there is value in spreading knowledge about artistic techniques—as a way to contribute to that process.
While each artist’s personal purpose may differ in detail, on a larger scale, I think it’s essentially the same. For many, art serves as a tool for communication.
For example, drawing a favorite character allows you to connect with others who share the same interests, or it brings compliments from friends—these are everyday examples.
Even if art causes conflict with others, that too is a form of communication.
It offers an opportunity to consider others’ perspectives, which can become an important aspect of understanding different viewpoints.
Even when a professional artist creates work they don’t necessarily want to, it still leads to income, and money itself can become a means of connecting with others.
Of course, there may be rare individuals who find joy in creating art purely for themselves, shutting out other human relationships.
But as long as that act of creation is tied to their personal happiness, it still serves as a means to achieve ‘happiness’ in a broader sense.
If you consider that one must first be satisfied within oneself before reaching out to others, then even the act of creating art solely for personal satisfaction can be seen as a step toward eventually opening up to others.
Architects use perspective to design houses, providing spaces where people live. Industrial products and urban planning also utilize perspective. When viewed broadly, knowledge of art is useful in many fields, not just in hobbies.
Art shouldn’t be seen as just a ‘casual pastime’ or a ‘highbrow hobby only for the talented.’ It’s one way of approaching something vital and enriching to life—a quality that makes life more vibrant.
Of course, there are other ways to approach this, and they can be equally valuable. But that doesn’t mean that the approach through art is inferior.
In fact, I believe art can collaborate with other approaches. Without such collaboration, art would narrow itself. For example, art and science shouldn’t be in opposition.
As with all of my videos, I take an approach of logging and sharing what I’ve learned as I go. Rather than creating videos only after fully mastering everything, I document my learning process step by step.
Because of this, there may be areas where I fall short. If that happens, I’d appreciate your advice. Let’s work together to create anchor points and spaces for knowledge exchange.
What is Perspective?
What is perspective? Meaning and definition explained simply
POINTPerspective:A principle or technique used to represent a three-dimensional world on a two-dimensional surface.
But first, what exactly is the third dimension? While we’ll explore the details of perspective later, let’s begin by understanding the concept of dimensions.
What is the difference between 2D and 3D? Meaning and definition explained simply
For example, if something has height, width, and depth, it exists in three dimensions. When we see a dog moving around while we’re out for a walk, the dog has height, width, and depth.
For example, cases where there are only height and width, such as what is represented on paper, in photos, or in video.
Even though a movie captures three-dimensional humans, the movie itself is two-dimensional.
A dog drawn on paper has no depth—you can touch it and feel that it’s flat. Of course, it’s possible to create the illusion of depth, but there’s no actual third dimension.
And the technique used to create this illusion of depth is call
By the way, in the world of perspective, the three dimensions are often represented by x, y, and z.
Left-right, forward-backward, and up-down are each assigned to one of these axes. Personally, I like to understand this through the way it’s represented in Blender. In Blender, x represents left-right (width), y represents forward-backward (depth), and z represents up-down (height).
Where is Perspective Used?
[Key Point] Perspective is primarily used in architecture, civil engineering, landscape design, urban planning, industrial design, stage design, advertising, signage, illustration, comics/animation, and painting.
Personally, I’m also interested in the academic aspect of how the techniques of perspective have influenced epistemology.
What is Depth?
What is depth? Meaning and definition explained simply
POINTDepth:Generally, it refers to the “dimension of an object from its front to its back.”
Depth is the “extent of an object or space in the forward and backward direction,” indicating how far an object stretches from front to back when viewed by an observer. It’s the dimension that expresses how close or far an object is from the viewer, and in Blender, this corresponds to the y-axis.
What is perspective? Meaning and definition explained simply
For example, when you move an object along the y-axis in Blender,this is what happens: the farther it moves away, the smaller it appears; the closer it moves, the larger it seems.
This is what we call ‘perspective’.
Of course, this is a two-dimensional image, so there’s no actual depth. What’s important is that it creates a sense of depth, and the technique that does this is called perspective.
You won’t know if it’s 2D or 3D until you touch it
Honestly, whether there is actual depth or not is not that important. Even when we see something that looks three-dimensional, it could actually be a flat, two-dimensional image.
To put it extremely, ‘unless we touch it, we can’t truly know if something is two-dimensional or three-dimensional.’ If a highly detailed perspective image is created and viewed from the right position, it becomes almost impossible to distinguish it from a real three-dimensional object.
What matters most is how we interpret (perceive) it, not the object itself.
It’s not that depth exists externally; rather, humans create the sense of depth
Humans are creatures that create a ‘sense of depth‘ on their own. Other animals might do the same, but some may perceive the world differently.
If you actually measure it, you’ll find that the width is the same. However, in reality, we constantly see things as having different widths. And this sense of depth varies from person to person.
For example, depending on where someone stands, the color, lighting, or even their mood, things can appear differently.
While it’s possible that we are all looking at exactly the same ‘something,’ it’s almost impossible for everyone to perceive it in exactly the same way.
Types and Distinctions of Perspective
The broadest definition of perspective: what it is, its meaning, definition, and an easy-to-understand explanation
In its broadest definition, the technique of perspective refers to ‘methods for creating a sense of depth,’ and can be treated almost synonymously with that concept.
Thus, within the ‘perspective’ category, there are various methods for producing this sense of depth.
When artists say they want to study ‘perspective,’ they are often referring to specific techniques like ‘overlapping, shading, and color’ or ‘linear perspective.’
For those in industrial design, parallel projection methods might come to mind, while for architects, it’s usually a combination of both parallel and linear perspectives.
Of course, true perspective is achieved by combining these techniques, but the simplified concept of perspective that people imagine varies.
For instance, someone who wants to draw simple 2D illustrations may not emphasize parallel projection, while someone creating 3D models will place more importance on it.
Classification diagram of perspective
When classified broadly, it looks like this.
Each term will be briefly discussed later.
What is linear perspective? Meaning, definition, and easy-to-understand explanation
POINTLinear Perspective:A type of perspective represented solely by lines.
It is important to understand that linear perspective is often treated synonymously with perspective drawing (or perspective projection) in general.
Describing it simply as ‘perspective expressed by lines’ makes it clearer. Parallel projection also expresses a sense of depth (three-dimensionality) using lines, and thus is included within the realm of linear perspective.
What is perspective drawing? Meaning, definition, and easy-to-understand explanation.
POINTPerspective Drawing (Perspective Projection, Conical Perspective):A type of linear perspective characterized by its use of ‘vanishing points’ to convey a sense of depth and perspective.
The number of vanishing points gives rise to terms like single-point, two-point, and three-point perspective.
The key difference from parallel projection is that parallel projection does not express depth. Perspective drawing aims to depict the natural way humans perceive space, that is, to express a sense of perspective.
In contrast, parallel projection emphasizes actual size and proportion over natural appearance. It is useful in cases where one wants to strictly represent proportions while still conveying a minimum sense of three-dimensionality (depth).
According to Yamashiro, perspective drawing operates under the following rules, which will not be elaborated on this time:
- Parallel lines at an angle to the line of sight converge at a vanishing point at infinity.
- The position of the converging point is located on the line of eye level (horizon line).
- Objects of the same size appear shorter as they recede into the distance.
What is parallel projection? Meaning, definition, and easy-to-understand explanation
POINTParallel Projection (Parallel Perspective):A type of linear perspective that primarily creates a sense of depth without using vanishing points, with all lines remaining parallel.
What about the vanishing point?
Beginners in perspective may wonder what ‘vanishing points’ and ‘parallel’ mean. Detailed discussions will be covered in future videos, but I will touch on it briefly this time.
For example, a scene with a vanishing point is like the case shown in the diagram on the right.
This perspective drawing has a single vanishing point, so it is referred to as one-point perspective.
Of course, all the cubes on this screen have the same ‘actual size’ and ‘actual proportions.’
However, as they move further away, they appear different—specifically, they look smaller—thus creating the sense of depth.
This is the same view converted to parallel projection.
Unlike in perspective projection, where the vertices converge towards a vanishing point, here they remain parallel, accurately representing all actual proportions.
In one-point perspective, the frontal view may look similar to parallel projection, which can be a bit confusing.
When compared to two-point perspective, it looks like this. Additionally, parallel projection has methods that are limited to various angles.
What is Axonometric Projection, Meaning, Definition, and Easy Explanation
Parallel projection encompasses a variety of types.
POINTAxonometric Projection:A method that creates a sense of ‘depth’ (three-dimensionality) while ignoring perspective, with all axes at constant angles.
For example, in isometric projection, the three angles that form the axes are equal, while in dimetric projection, two angles are equal, and there are various other subclasses.
Advantages of Parallel Projection
What advantages are there in ignoring depth perception? Parallel projection is primarily used in design drawings and technical schematics.
It is a technique more commonly employed by those who create industrial products rather than by artists. The focus is not on how natural the size appears to the human eye; rather, the actual dimensions are what matter most.
While one might argue that this could simply be represented by numbers, there are cases where expressing a certain level of three-dimensionality and depth is important.
Additionally, it offers convenience by allowing for the omission of complex depth perception.
Parallel Projection Mode in Blender
In 3D software like Blender, you can switch between projection modes with a single click.
This is convenient because you can first create your model using actual dimensions, then check how it would look with depth perception.
For example, when modeling a classroom, you might start with strict parallel projection mode based on mathematical ratios and then switch to perspective projection mode for consistency.
Attempting to create in perspective projection mode from the beginning might lead to complications.
However, the situation might be a bit different for the human body and nature. Many people tend to model directly in perspective projection mode from the start. In other words, they create intuitively, like molding clay, without a blueprint.
The scenes we see in daily life or imagine in our minds depict the human body as it appears in perspective projection.Almost all illustrations presented in drawing techniques are created in perspective projection and follow its proportions.
These proportions are not based on measurements with a ruler. This is an extremely important point.To begin with, understanding the accurate proportions in parallel projection mode and preparing a precise blueprint is challenging.
While it’s easier for objects composed solely of straight lines, like classrooms, modeling the curved human body is much more difficult.
This is why a simplification process is used, where the human body is replaced with cubes to grasp approximate proportions.Observing a good model converted to parallel projection mode can also be a valuable learning experience.
In any case, being well-versed in both modes is essential for 3D modelers.
Why You Should Learn Perspective and Its Appeal
Accuracy in Drawing
Is a distorted perspective drawing like not taking a bath?
For instance, Robby Lee says, “An image with inaccurate perspective can be distracting.”
On the flip side, using correct perspective allows you to convey what you want to express without distracting the viewer. This is one of the key appeals of using perspective.
David Chelsea puts it more provocatively: “A picture with messed-up perspective is like an unbathed person showing up at a fancy party—everyone notices.”
The idea is that no matter how stylish your artwork is, even a slight distortion can ruin the whole piece. Of course, there are exceptions where intentional distortion is part of the art.
Chelsea states,”Perspective is worth studying. Once you master it, you can confidently and stably recreate the three-dimensional world on a two-dimensional surface.”
This is similar to what Lee mentioned about “accuracy.” Many artists feel anxious about whether their work might be distorted or criticized for being poorly drawn. Perspective serves as a valuable “check” against such distortions.
After gaining confidence in drawing correct perspectives, artists are free to explore more creative, unconventional styles.
For example,a scene rendered with perspective projection at an appropriate field of view appears natural to the human eye. However, if the limits are exceeded, it can start to look unnatural. The cube might appear stretched.
While it’s fine to do this intentionally for a certain effect, unintentionally drawing such distorted images can cause problems. It might be criticized as “poor perspective,” “bad drawing,” or “weak composition“.
Just because the perspective is correct doesn’t mean it’s beautiful
However,we must be cautious not to become too obsessed with accuracy, as it can cause us to miss what we truly want to express or what is beautiful.
After all, “an accurate drawing is not necessarily beautiful.” Many of us have experienced that slightly imperfect, hand-drawn lines can sometimes appear more appealing than perfectly straight ones.
It’s not about a strict 100 or 0—perspective should be viewed as a tool to eliminate large distortions.
I believe that perspective is not a straitjacket, but more like a minimal bulletproof vest.
Creativity in Drawing
Isn’t it enough to just use a camera without perspective?
If perspective were literally “just a way to copy the 3D world onto a 2D surface,” then wouldn’t a camera suffice?
When it comes to merely capturing or replicating an image, human skill cannot surpass the camera. With advances like drones, technology has developed flexible ways to capture images more accurately and efficiently.
In an era before cameras, perspective was undoubtedly valuable, but in today’s world, where high-performance cameras and video exist, is the skill of perspective still necessary?
Perspective is a tool that allows you to soar into the world of imagination
For instance, Scott Robertson highlights the appeal of mastering perspective by saying, “Once you’ve learned it, you’ll be able to draw what you imagine, think like a designer, and create worlds you’ve never seen before.”
The key point here is the phrase: “create worlds you’ve never seen before.”
A camera is a device that captures “the world as we see it right now.” In extreme forms of realism, art may also aim to “replicate the object in front of us.”
However, much of contemporary art seeks to capture or express “a world beyond reality—one that we aren’t seeing right now.” Therefore, the existence of cameras doesn’t negate the need for perspective techniques.
The important thing is the integration and the sense of wholeness
However, I believe it’s never a good decision to dismiss one option entirely in favor of another. What’s important is “balance” and a “holistic view.”
For instance, photos taken with a camera can serve as references for creativity. You can use them to guide size, proportions, or poses, allowing you to create something similar but distinct in two dimensions.
Is AI the enemy of art?
From this perspective of “integration,” science and AI shouldn’t be dismissed as enemies.AI and academic knowledge can serve as resources (inputs) for creating art.
You can use AI-generated images as references or draw from images gained through scholarly studies.
The same goes for tools in 3D and 2D software; what matters is “what you can express and what you can output.”
From this perspective of “integration,” science and AI shouldn’t be dismissed as enemies.
AI and academic knowledge can serve as resources (inputs) for creating art.
You can use AI-generated images as references or draw from images gained through scholarly studies. The same goes for tools in 3D and 2D software; what matters is “what you can express and what you can output.”
Of course, I understand the opinion that not only the result but also the “process” is important.
However, when the “true purpose or subject you want to express” is established,
it is necessary to contemplate how much value there is in being obsessed with that process.
Compatibility with the purpose of art
As long as I have a purpose and appropriateness in my art, I believe that the means employed are permissible.For instance, if the focus is strongly on mental well-being, it might be better to emphasize my pure and free expression as much as possible.
Referencing materials can be a kind of constraint, acting as a filter or frosted glass in the expression.Furthermore, if I find myself in a situation where taking the easy route isn’t ideal for my important relationships,it may be appropriate to adopt methods that require effort.
There’s also the aspect of the skills (such as drawing ability) gained from not taking the easy route.It’s important to be aware that things are not simple and that there are hidden pros and cons.
I believe that the criticism of using AI or 3D software, or of referencing photographs, correlates with the purpose of the art being created.For instance, how many people would think that the value of a work is diminished simply because The Amazing Spider-Man was created using 3D software?
I do not particularly like the attitude of blindly and uniformly criticizing or denying methods that are unrelated to the purpose of the work.
After all, just as most of us do not know how the dishes served in restaurants are prepared, we are often unaware of how artistic works are created.
While one might deduce that a dish tastes terrible due to poor preparation, it is possible for the use of references to be subtle and create a natural harmony.
About beauty diminished by technology
Of course, there may be a debate about the “diminished beauty” that arises from using 3D software (for example, the awkwardness often seen in AI-generated images).
However, I cannot possibly believe that simply using such tools reduces the value of a work.
What matters is the skill in integrating and harmonizing with beauty.The beautiful art of AKIRA employs perspective techniques abundantly and precisely.
Those who place greater importance on the ability to produce an output than on the output itself may view using many references, especially other people’s works, as cheating.
For instance, it’s impressive to calculate by hand or mentally without a calculator.
However, I believe it might be better to invest that energy elsewhere. This ties closely to the concepts of ‘individuality’ and ‘creativity.
Comic artists don’t have time to sketch from real life every time
For example, Chelsea states that manga(cartoon) artists often have to ‘fabricate a scene without the luxury of sketching from life or using architectural blueprints.’
[Key Point] Manga(cartoon) artists need to ‘fabricate’ realistic scenes. They don’t have the time to sketch from real-life references. Instead, they must search for reference materials and use their ‘imagination‘ to create the artwork.
[Key Point] Perspective can be seen as a tool that complements imagination.
[Key Point] If you are just ‘copying the scene in front of you,’ you can do it without using perspective. You can simply create a special tool and ‘trace’ it.
[Key Point] Knowledge of perspective becomes necessary when you want to ‘add something’ to the scene or when you are drawing an ‘imaginary scene.
Art References
Reference information for the correct perspective
Marcos Mateu-Mestre emphasizes ‘how much reference information you can store in your brain.’
This video, too, is made possible thanks to various books as reference information.
Drawing requires a lot of references.
For example, sketching practice can be understood as a way to imprint implicit knowledge and habitual memory as a reference.
It’s not just visible materials that serve as references.
By drawing ‘natural human bodies’ repeatedly, one becomes sensitive to and able to correct unnatural forms. In that sense, sketching and perspective are functionally equivalent.
Perspective also allows you to maintain consistency even when drawing freehand, after practicing natural objects multiple times.
The technique to integrate into habitual levels
I believe it is important to reduce drawing, perspective, and all techniques to the level of ‘habit.’
If I am overflowing with uncertainty, constantly questioning ‘Is this right? How about that?’ it disrupts the flow of creation.
Of course, it is important to be confused and to experiment in the initial stages, but if the same uncertainty arises every time, some kind of intervention is likely needed.
Additionally, if one falls too deeply into habit, it becomes difficult to reflect on it, so a middle ground might be more desirable.
Reproducibility of Drawings
Perspective is nothing but a ‘deception’
According to Robertson, perspective is merely a ‘trick.’
It is impossible to recreate human vision exactly on paper. We can only ‘simulate‘ what we see rather than reproduce the image as a three-dimensional object.
When we think about it this way, isn’t a camera also just a ‘simulation’?
Whether it’s a photo, a video, or perspective, everything becomes a ‘simulation’ and a ‘trick.’ It is merely a capture of ‘some aspects’ that differ from actual vision. It becomes impossible to reproduce the exact same thing from three dimensions to two dimensions.
Does the vivid scene itself exist?
So what if we can approximate it? I agree with this, but at the same time, a question arises: ‘What exactly am I seeing?’
It is difficult to see again that ‘vivid scene itself’ before it is converted into two dimensions by a camera or a painting, and honestly, I don’t really understand what ‘that’ is.
What is captured by the camera is certainly objective, and I, Michael, and George can all say that we saw something similar. However, strictly speaking, what I saw must be something different from what Michael and George saw.
I love Claude Monet’s ‘Impression, Sunrise.’ This is something that cannot be reproduced by photography.Which representation captures ‘that’ better: the one expressed in painting or the one expressed through the camera?
From a general perspective, one might say it’s the ‘camera.’ However, it lacks the element of ‘what I saw and felt.’I do not perceive things like a camera. Of course, it’s not just about physical aspects like vision or position; it’s about mental interpretation.
The ‘feeling of blue’ from a blue object and the ‘feeling of red’ from a red object contribute to the composition of the scenery before me. The feeling evoked by red when my mind is weakened differs from that of when I am healthy.
Which medium—camera or painting—can express ‘that’? This is a question worth contemplating.
Focus on the elements that cannot be reproduced
Perspective is indeed an important technique for converting three-dimensional ‘that’ into two-dimensional form, just like a camera.
While it may not be perfect, it can be said to approximate certain elements. However, I believe we should also focus on the point that some elements are ‘not reproducible.’
An artist should not assume that having the technique (perspective) alone allows for complete reproduction.
Instead, the true essence of an artist lies in maintaining a multifaceted perspective and diverse experiences, striving to express the complex ‘that’ of each fleeting moment.
What is important is that both perspective and cameras serve as valuable references to refine and elevate the expression of ‘that.’
By drawing on various techniques, one can create artwork that resonates as beautiful and closely aligns with ‘that.’ This applies not only to the realm of realism but also to the imaginative domain, such as animation. In both cases, the same challenge arises: how to reproduce ‘that,’ which exists in one’s mind, into two dimensions.
Books that are easy for beginners to understand
David Chelsea「Extreme Perspective! For Artists: Learn the Secrets of Curvilinear, Cylindrical, Fisheye, Isometric, and Other Amazing Drawing Systems that Will Make Your Drawings Pop Off the Page 」
The book contains many illustrations and is easy to understand. It also explains basic perspective terminology and provides a simple explanation of how to use perspective. However, it is important to note that the book focuses on ‘illustration (manga)’ rather than architectural perspective.
It is suitable as the first book to pick up for learning the basics of perspective in general.
Robbie Lee「Perspective Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide」
Robbie Lee「Perspective Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide」
This is a suitable book to pick up as the first one for learning the basics of perspective in general.
I found it to be simpler and more detailed than ‘Perspective! Learn Perspective Through Manga.’ Therefore, I especially recommend this book to beginners as their first read.
Scott Robertson「How to Draw: drawing and sketching objects and environments from your imagination」
Scott Robertson「How to Draw: drawing and sketching objects and environments from your imagination」
A book specialized in drawing, particularly focused on line art. Though somewhat complex, it provides a broad and in-depth explanation.
About the Japanese version of this article
This article is a translation of an article written in [https://souzoulog.com/2024/09/26/basic-of-perspective-1/]. For detailed references, please refer to this link.